Lets work Together to help your residents

Pet Therapy










There are a number of benefits that derive from pet therapy for the elderly – some of which include improved social skills, reduced anxiety and signs of depression, reduced feelings of loneliness, and so much more. Pets provide comfort and emotional stability to those who need it, especially seniors who live at home alone and go for extended periods of time without speaking to others.


The most common forms of pet therapy are:


●      Ownership Therapy: This is where the senior would own the pet and care for it in their own home.

●      Visitation Therapy: The most popular type of pet therapy that involves pets visiting the living accommodation of seniors.

●      Animal-Assisted Therapy: In more serious cases where seniors need intense therapy, a specific animal is paired with them to help improve social, cognitive, or physical skills.


At Older Stronger Wiser Counselling, we firmly believe that pet therapy offers innumerable benefits for seniors. Contact us today to see how we can advise you or your loved one.