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Dementia Support Services


In 2021, more than six million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, and that number is expected to keep on increasing. The onset of symptoms is oftentimes accompanied by uncertainty, confusion, and fear, both for the person experiencing the symptoms and their loved ones. It is very normal at this time to have questions about how to cope once symptoms intensify and the disease progresses. Therapy is a non-pharmacological intervention and part of modern holistic dementia care, which can take many forms from talk therapy and counseling to music, art, or even pet therapy.  


Therapy is such a valuable tool for dementia because it provides a safe, supported space to reflect on the changing realities the disease brings. It can also help combat stress and decrease confusion by validating an individual’s feelings and emotions in the present moment. Beyond the immediate emotional benefits, non-pharmacological treatments (NPT), including therapy, have been shown to improve cognitive functions and behavioral disturbances in those with dementia, which, in turn, leads to improvements in the quality of life for patients, their caregivers, spouses, and families. 


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