Lets work Together to help your residents

Caregiver Support

Caring for a family member or loved one is a task many Americans selflessly take on every year. A recent study, for example, found that nearly one in five people are providing unpaid care to adults with health or functional needs. Yet the challenges faced by caregivers of older adults or those with health issues can be overwhelming. It’s common for caregivers to feel isolated, stressed, or physically and emotionally exhausted. Without support, these feelings can lead to guilt, resentment or even health issues as caregivers struggle to find balance and a sense of well-being. For caregivers to thrive, they need to replenish their own wells, and take time to attend to their needs. 


Counseling has been proven to help caregivers deal with the emotional and physical challenges of their work. In a study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, counseling was shown to significantly reduce the symptoms of depression in caregivers of dementia patients and a research article in the Journal of International Psychogeriatrics suggests that person or family-centered counseling offers “new perspectives on problems that are seemingly unmanageable.” There are many additional benefits of counseling, including helping caregivers manage their time and relieve feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and burn-out, so they can focus on being there for loved ones.  


Regain Balance and Well-Being